Thursday, November 23, 2006



I love my course. <3.


Thursday, October 12, 2006

Life. In Uni. Hall. LOL

During the Mid Autumn Festival, which shall be refered to henceforth as, MAF, joon and i did a couple of crazy things of our own in the dorm... Hehe..

Thats me.... drawing... something...
Since we wanted to "hang" something outside...
Like a violent capital punishment thing....
A "thing" was born!

And hence, Weeny was born! Weeny is a doll that flits between MAF and..... Halloween!

Meet Weeny, our Door Decoration Doll... Dcube...

Then, there was the Frozen egg.... Joon threw an egg into the freezer... Viola!

Ultra cool Egg...Heh

More wierd stuff happens in dorms then you can imagine oO....

Check out my chicken rice though, its really good! I cooked it :p wahaha The stuff you see inside the bowl is ingredients in my soup, which is beside the bowl :)

Food is good! *Burps*

Friday, October 06, 2006


i + one other guy managed to drink 750 ml of whiskey amongst ourselves... wow

'He 's quit gone.. im still ok though...

just kinda shocked me that a bottle i just bought is totally finished!

Wow... lol, he was reacting quit funnily tho...

no comment :)

btw, it was a bottle of Jim Beam, bought on 5th Oct

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Monday, October 02, 2006


I happen to do the most thinking under the influence.

And i also tend to eat a whole lot of sinful stuff when agitated/pissed.
1) Calibee Prawn Crackers (Courtesy Nanyang Supermart)
2) Kinder Bueno

I am soooo getting fat. Bloody girly. Darn.

Goodbye proper meals :p

Bloody... Hell...

Why is it that blogger loads so freaking slow?
Why cant people tell 1 more person that there is no dance pract on monday? (Ie, me)
Why does it have to be dance on tuesday, and i only find out now. (WTH,WTF, WTG)

BLOOOODY $$^##&#@@

Doesnt help that i got people complaining that they got below average for quizzes.
When they scored higher then me. At least dont fucking complain to ME. Gaawd...
Go find some AT or KLK to complain to. Im sure they would sympathize. Complain to them about army too, why dont you.

Stupid stupi.

Schedule for tmr is super tight, why? Cos i going for econs lecture, so i can link it into dancesport. And hiphop comes on Tuesdays now. Wow.

Fucking everything. Blah.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


When the darkness is all around
And light, so far away.

Tiny spot
in the distance.
Neither here nor there,
lights the way
to eternity.

Why does it always seem that what we want is just out of reach, and when you reach it, it just flits away, away from your fingertips, lingering in the near distance in front of you. The carrot enticing the horse, except this time
the horse knows that it will never get the carrot.

What if the horse stops chasing the carrot?
What if we stop following the light?
What would you do?

Monday, September 18, 2006


Suddenly in a black, black, black mood.

Just almost finished a 500ml bottle of Erdinger. The white one.

Decided that im in an ugly, deformed state of mind. Listening to Evanesence, Linkin park, Hoobastang, Papa Roach. Decide that it fits my frame of mind.

Quiz stress? Maybe. Life stress? Maybe.

Cant be certain. One thing im certain tho. Fridge has food!

o.O Love food! Thanks mommy and daddy!


Thursday, September 14, 2006


Hmm, schedule goes like follows.

Monday Wednesday: Hall dance
Tuesday Friday : Dancesport
Thursday : Salsa

Hmm. Thats 5 days. Oops.

Lucky that salsa hasnt started, and hall dance + dancesport only 1 lesson is compulsory. But guess what? My feet itch... wahhaa!

I swear quizzes are the death of students :p

Monday, September 04, 2006

Heres the Hostel!

Here the post i promised.

Stuck in hostel now, eating pasta+baked beans. (Pasta abit hard, im not the best cook) Mugging aura is SOOO heavy here, just feel like grabbing a book and getting down on it. Gah.

When studies get too tough, heres what we get:

Whats this, you ask?

We had Shari over, she needed to use the comp... Joon was eating froot loops, and i was like, so nice! Lets make one froot loop word using....... FROOTLOOPS!

So Shari did the colour coordination and arrangment, and Voila!

Clearer now? Wahahaha

That was some tasty artpiece :)

Also, inspiration for nanotechnology has help spawned these beautiful creatures :D
Small is beautiful! Wahaha!

Or when you feel itchy fingers. Make tiny birds..

Friday, September 01, 2006

Is Guilt a Vicious cycle?

Guys, need your comments here :)

If someone accuses you of a crime you didnt commit, would you

A) Laugh it off.
B) Deny everything and forget about it.
C) Worry day and night about something which you are "not guilty" of.

And if supposing someone answered C), is he really guilty, in spite of telling himself that he is not? (Guy identity used here, as "he" is easier to type then "she")

A) Yes.
B) No.

Please post your comments and ideas! Thanks people :)
This would help to show reactions of normal people under such circumstances.


School is so NOT funny man...
Will update soonish, after i get back to hall..

JJ party later! Cant wait... ppl! Dance! Whee!!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Pulau.... Ubin?

We went to Ubin yesterday, as an Orientation group, plus a couple of new faces :)

Had to wake up really early, and MRT all the way to tampines... Wow... Long journeys seem short when you have a bunch of crazy people to talk to...

Went to Changi Village, long bus ride there... Talking about some of the jokes we had at OG camp.... had a couple of laughs...

Got lost at the other side :p couldnt find the meeting point, but a few phone calls later, all was fine...

Do try the citybeat recommended noodles at the changi village market... Excellent!

After the food, we headed for ubin!

Qian Ru longing for home already

Went trekking first, still deciding to bike or not... wandering around is fun!

We went durian hunting, as it was durian season... Too bad all the lao cheos picked all the good ones already... had a good time though, and we had a seasoned durian man on our side :)

Our Durian man!

While hunting durians, lionel and jing quan did the pathfinding... They decided to trek up the quarry to hunt the beautiful scenery..
We spend much time and effort scaling to the top of the quarry, all just to see the view.
It was fantastic!

Wow... Postcard worthy!

At the top, there was this HUGE boulder... nice to pose on, nice to take pictures of! No idea why it was there, though... Hmmm

The girls were standing on the rock we made our mark on.

Had much fun biking too! No pictures tho, no hands free... haha!

Wonderful day, thanks Kanzarians!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Nueve, update 1

Last night in Camp Nueve... It was SP night, Secret Pal night... Everyone was paired up with a total stranger, and if sparks flew, then good for you...

It was an eventful night, but mostly we stuck together, most of us having an SP we couldnt Click with.

However... SP Night Group shot.

We had a blast by ourselves! Its called the Zi High Syndrom, or Self High... The three guys we should really thank are Lionel, Jing Quan and Jun Wei.. Two of the three are

Here! Lionel and Carebear! The two most RARA guys... Respect. Respect. Shuai right? Any girls interested? ;) Carebear was also named FRESHIE of the year.

Our 2 Sister Chio Bus
And of course, the Nueve Queen herself,

SP Night. Photo with the Nueve Queen ( Qian Ru, centre)

We had a GREAT OG, small but hot, like chilli padi one... Kanzarians man! You guys rock!

(more to follow, when i get the rest of the photos)

Friday, July 07, 2006


Just finished FreshmanOrientationCamp for NTU Chem and Bio Engineering today!
Excellent stuff, will blog about it when i remember.

And i missed out that thank yous for the competition, too.

1)Biao Da, for those who know why, the rest just guess :)
2)Jackson, June, for their wonderful guidiance
3)Jwo, for the time and effort he spent to get the place for us, and staying and talking cock with us as well
4)Eileen, for tolerating being thrown around in the choreo
5)Young and Sherv for their comments and tips
6)Corina for her extra hints

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Competition! Sigh...

Haha, only managed to hit 3 turn patterns of our choreography...
Eileen and i though sure die... Everything buang loh...

Pity we didnt hit the whole choreo... Would have been impressive, no doubt.

However, 15percent of our dance was already enough to up a certain competitor... LOL, was really interesting!

Congrats to Young and Sherv darling! 3rd placing!
Eileen and i hit the 4th placing... Below average... like, outta 6, less then half :p

My only regret was not hitting our routine.. Sigh...

Monday, June 19, 2006


Gym! ow
Food! Hee hee

Chicken from BBQ express rox :)

Monday, June 05, 2006

Obscurity, the new clear.

Haha! Gym today was achy... bleh ;p.
Plus, it was a bitch to roll out of bed, although i woke before the alarm went off.

Lunch was hawker food, western!
6 bucks for a steak was ok... wasnt much to eat though, till i added 2 chicken wings into the equation! Amazing stuff, that was, juicy, sweet and tender... ROASTED! *drool*

Schleepy.... *blink blink*

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Haha, well said.

Since WHEN have you told the truth when approached? Think about THAT, then bitch more.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Pink IC!

Yay. Got my pink IC yesterday!

Now that im an NSman, i get to die first in a war! Yippee!

Wahaa. At least thats what they tell me in the NSman Booklet. Simple. We are more experienced then NSF... Hopefully thats true. Lol

What the hell?

We all know how bastardy some people can be, right?

I mean, come on, i asked a yes/no question, hoping to get an honest answer.

Then this fella can tell me, "oh, no, i invited to do a salsa congress"

What? Like real la. Your standard? Ha. Ha.

I asked if he was doing the salsa competition. Is it so hard to give an honest "yes"?
2 Days after he skirted the question i found out he was really doing the competition, and hes lying to his friends about it, too. Like, WTF man.

What a lying bastard.

No difference, really, people can tell me that they dont like the way he talks, the way he dances.
(He talks with an ulterior motive)
(He always wants something in the back of his mind)
(Its all about "himself")
(Got lady tell me he try to "eat tofu" when he dance)
(What? Hes a dance instructor now? Only teaching LADIES? Hmmm)

Dude. What?

Fuck la, some people.

Sunday, May 28, 2006


Fuck it.
I cant dance.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Inside of my head,

just before the brick wall.

I have a problem.

Its unfixable except by me,
and hell, i dont wanna fix it, i dont think i

have to, either

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Serial Murderer Loose!

I swear, it was seriously scary when i entered the bathroom just now...

The lights were flickering, and i had nowhere else to bathe :p

It was like, something outta a horror flick. Imagine your home on a stormy night... Power is out, and the sky is lit by only the occassional lightning flash...

And BAM! the murderer jumps out at you from the shadows!


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Im leavin' on a jet plane..

Kenna fly aeroplane. Not you, Jwo, you werent supposed to come anyways :p

Down at Union. Alone.
Bah :p

Had a few nice dances,
a coupla Good ones,
a coupla GREat ones(same lady, 1 merengue,1 salsa)

Boy, shes energetic :p
and tall! (Young, take note, shes taller then me :P)
Merengue was fun, she knows how to react!
Salsa also, energy filled...
She was wearing some curious blue thing with a lot a straps

At least not wasted trip to Union :p

However, someone owes me supper now :p


P.S. Did a feat that would make any Platoon Sgt PROUD!
I waterparaded a full 1.5ltr mineral water bottle after union!

Bleh, felt really bloated :p wahha!
Still woke up dehydrated tho.. musta been the chocs :)
*Sighs contentedly at darling Sherv*

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Glances are the heavy
artillery of the flirt:
everything can be conveyed
in a look, yet that look can
always be denied, for it
cannot be quoted word for


For Thought

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Need a vehicle rescue? Call me! And loan me a 27ton Truck with a 20ton Crane and 25ton Winch, plus a few miscellaneous chains and shackles, and i be savin' your vehicle!

Recovery Mechanic- I Rescue Vehicles :p

P.S. If the vehicle you loan me aint the MB2636, i aint gonna budge from my comfy chair at home to haul your a$$.
I dont mind working out at the vehicle, but dont expect me to wear my coveralls. Sure, their more comfy then good ol No.4, but my boots are too huge.
Also, i aint gonna wear No.4, prolly vest slacks.
And i want a good, fitting, snug pair o gloves.

Rence out.

Friday, May 12, 2006


Since you guys know that i only update when drunk, i dont think i need to elaborate on this point. (Other then the fact that im not quite there yet. I havent used the backspace)

Im confused.

Certain issues/people are meant to be a mystery
Others are never meant to be resolved
Yet others are painful to settle

Why do people want to understand the mysteries
Want to resolve the unsolvable
And run away from the painful settlement?

Most importantly, am i the cause?


Im it! Darnit :p

Oh, by the way, this is my 70th Post! Which means for some reason unknown i wanna thank my readers for reading up to this point, cos 69 is a meaningful number to me somehow, i dont know, maybe?

Before i scare the world (more then I have to), i wanna first apologise to the poor people who stepped on glass bits at union. Yes, i knocked that glass over. Some dimwit placed it at the corner of the wooden cabinet near the entrance. At the CORNER. The drink was empty, but at least have the darned courtesy to move it somewhere people wont hit it. Grumble. Poor people had to step on glass bits cos i knocked over a badly misplaced glass. Idiot.

k... Wierd stuff... Doing what i have so ordered to by Sherv darling.. bleh.

1) I sleep with my stuffed toys. They cramp in a corner of my bed, and take up space, and leave less for me, and collect dust, and leave me grumpy in the morning.

2) I update my blog only when im drunk. Which should leave you thinking, what is this guy doing drinking at 12 o'clock in the afternoon of a beautiful public holiday. And think of all the wheat that died to serve me my lunch, in liquid and bottled form. God bless aqua vitae.

3)I anger people. Especially those who (unjustly) call me spongebob. I am a HAMSTER, cant you tell? Yeesh... Jill, im a HAMMSTER, not some weird yellow blob, rrrrrrrrrrright?

4) Im a walking oxoymoron. I walk, i breath oxygen, and im a moron. No, i kid you. Im shy, but im not, Im stupid, but im not. I know my directions, but i dont, i hate the taste of beer, but i inhale it in large quantities. I HATE exercise, but i LOVE the calories lost. Bah.

5) I love animals. They taste good.

6) I check out other people. Their blogs, but i refuse to update mine. What a pig. But piggies are cute! And pink! And cute! And pink! And tasty! And cute! And pink! And have swine flu!

Hmm.... I hope everyone is still here... (gives a weird look as he surveys people fleeing in all directions) I bet people taste good, too :p hmm..

Okies, tagging time...
Young. Blahahaha! You gotta tell us 6 weird things about yourself. Pick the 6 weirdest :p ahhaha

Sunday, April 16, 2006

thanks prata shop!

Yesterday at union was ok. Not great, just O-k.
Just no "feel"... Maybe its the lack of hair, lol!(Just got shaved :P)

Went for supper after, musta been really blanked out, cos
when we were paying, i left my damned wallet on the table,
better yet
i only realised after i got home, found my wallet missing, and called Valris...

Borrowed cash from parents, rushed back down to prata shop, thanks to inspiration from Val...
Managed to find the wallet, the great guys at the shop kept it for me... whew... THANKS GUYS!

Special thanks to Val and Eileen, who helped me look around in the cab for the wallet ;)

GRR... i feel stupid....

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Im shagged out, and i still refuse to sleep
its like.
Im chugging alcohol.
Tired, and super sleepy.

But still, i dont wanna lie down.
Its like, something is wrong, and
i know, but dont know.
And its waiting to devour me.


Rence has broken.


Rence has broken.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

arms aching

... today at camp...

So bored, we played a game... Throw plasticine at a squash court line (on the inside), the blob that sticks closest to the line wins. Furthest does pushups.

At first, everyone kena, i estimate i done about 100 pushups total.
Stakes kept going up. Finally, i kena 5 times in a row. 10, 15, 20, then 25,then 60.

Pushups. I did standard ones, as long as i could. Then chest just give way.. Oh my...

Chest said hello to the parquet flooring, too. A very sweaty hello.

Even washing hands my chest too weak to hold hands together. Oh my.... But honestly, i needed the exercise... Got a buff chest now, for sure :)

To add on to the Erdinger Dark... Rich, fragrant, aromatic, deep, flavourful. Tinge of Melancholy. Wonderful drink!

Sunday, April 02, 2006


thats time in minutes:seconds:milliseconds

Thats how long i ran.
Sweat like a dog, after i finished, cooldown that time i was splatting sweat on the pavement. Shirt off, of course... Wah, siong man...

Erdringer. dark. Best beer i had so far. Love the taste! muaha

Weird not dancing on a saturday.. LOL

Friday, March 31, 2006


i always seem to update only when drunk.
Takes a full 300ml of 40percent whiskey to get me buzzed nowadays...
why cant i get drunk on less? :p

tired. Life seems to buzz by...

Thanks to everyone who has made my day...
Thanks for all the wonderful comments from those i danced with :)

thanks for cheap whiskey at 7-11... lol.... And a brudder to share it with... :) love ya, bro... :D

why im drinking? im depressed...

somethings wrong, i dunno what even... sigh...

nites :p

Monday, March 13, 2006

13th March 2006- :)

Ouch. Back aching, head aching. Army Pride Day (APD) is taking its toll...
So is 5 days of salsa a week. 4-6hrs of sleep a day, too.
But hey. Salsa is fun!

And life is good, amidst friends and raspberry vodka on the rocks.

Obsecion, The Monchy Y Alexandra one. OMG.
Its THE bachata song to have. I swear!

Bachata! WOOT!

Friday, March 03, 2006

I Need YOUR Comments Fellas!

Help me out here. Something that i had read in a blog got me thinking. Kinda mirrored my own question, and i wonder how many people will give different answers.

Please Use the Comment link to post your Comment. And please, if possible, leave a name. If your not leaving a name, please type at least 4-5 sentences of words that make sense.

Sorry if it sounds like a survey. I really wanna know what you guys think.

Statement, and Food For Thought.

Is it better to be in the arms of the person you love,
Or the person that loves you?

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Dried Lychee Rox!

There. I have said it.

Nothing beats dried lychee as a snack. Wait.. Its dried longan... Doh!



Saturday, February 25, 2006


Damn. Im in camp, on duty, and STARVED.

Buggers didnt collect rations for us. Dammnit. Do duty for them also got no food to eat. Canteen's closed cos its a saturday. ITS A SATURDAY DUTY DAMMNIT, AND NO FOOD?!

Army is going to hell. Bleh.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

22th Feb 2006- New

Day 2 Of Adam Khoo.... OMG!

I feel InDestructible now.

You guys will now see a new, improved version of Rence... Highlight the below invisible text to see how i will be different.
Less complains. More focus. More Energy. Determined to have fun. Determined that EVERYONE have fun. Drive in Salsa. Drive that leads to improvement, for everyone (I hope). NOTHING WILL EVER GET ME DOWN! I will be as happy as you will ever see me.

Yup. Turning point in my life...


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

21th Feb

Adam Khoo, day 1

I feel inspired already! Its some shit!

Thanks for the smses ladies, made my day, :D

But whats with you missing me?

Saturday, February 18, 2006

18th Feb 2005- Wow, Again

It feels so totalllly good to eb the most drunk gu7 in the group, again...

It makes everyine try to be good to you, while your trying to act sover all the while... And to a certain extent, you are.... Most guys dont see what you do, and its because they think too much during the time when they are not drunbk...

I might not be seeming to ,make much sense, but hey, a guys is a guy, especially ojne who has neem drinking, wih his heart ripped out before, its quite sad, really.

I dont really care anymore, thre are girls out there who raelly desirve love, who really should be loved the way the should be...

Unfortunately, these ladies dont come by easy, and if they do, dont stay long....

GODDAMMIT... i hate drinking.... but its the only damn thing thats keeps me sane... @!%!%

Im drunk, people... sorry... but its what i think at the moment, and itst acurate as long yuo agress.... god... selling errorts to judge how drunk i man... am*, sheesh, haha


Friday, February 03, 2006

About the Previous Post...

I was kidding :p

Too many things, too little time... Could never get around to updating everything i guess...

the past few weeks were crazy...

MSR run training... 8km a day, 3 days a week... god...

Burning out... need shleep.... haha!

3th Feburary 2006- I shall update today!


Sunday, January 15, 2006

15 Jan Sunday- Group Video


Had good fun at citylink today, amidst the jugglers and hip hoppers..

We were playing Salsa, and recording previous lessons...

Darius did a great job directing all the scenes and moves, Juliana and Adrian got the video cams, and the rest of us gave crazy ideas of what to vid!

It was a great evening, thanks everyone for coming down!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

14th Jan 2006- oooo

Yesterday friday 13th... Really bad day for duty...

Had to stick around, Mess was closed for meeting, IC want me to work

Then got activated at 10pm :p drive from seletar to lim chu kang... bleh

Some kayu driver kanchiong, he go drive a reccy jeep down a bridge... Stupid... haha, quite funny actually.
The vehicle was diagonally across the bridge, with the left rear and front right tyres on the ground, the front left tyre was dipping down, while the rear right was in the air...

Had to crane lift the front of the vehicle and get it back onto the bridge... Then boss drove it out to test... Heng the vehicle can drive, we didnt have to tow back the vehile... HAVE TO TOW TO SELERANG! Changi that side... opposite end of singapore, bleh...

At least DO nice, ask us tow to 3D after that, thats at Jurong... Heng

Fun la, good experience... haha!