Sunday, July 16, 2006

Pulau.... Ubin?

We went to Ubin yesterday, as an Orientation group, plus a couple of new faces :)

Had to wake up really early, and MRT all the way to tampines... Wow... Long journeys seem short when you have a bunch of crazy people to talk to...

Went to Changi Village, long bus ride there... Talking about some of the jokes we had at OG camp.... had a couple of laughs...

Got lost at the other side :p couldnt find the meeting point, but a few phone calls later, all was fine...

Do try the citybeat recommended noodles at the changi village market... Excellent!

After the food, we headed for ubin!

Qian Ru longing for home already

Went trekking first, still deciding to bike or not... wandering around is fun!

We went durian hunting, as it was durian season... Too bad all the lao cheos picked all the good ones already... had a good time though, and we had a seasoned durian man on our side :)

Our Durian man!

While hunting durians, lionel and jing quan did the pathfinding... They decided to trek up the quarry to hunt the beautiful scenery..
We spend much time and effort scaling to the top of the quarry, all just to see the view.
It was fantastic!

Wow... Postcard worthy!

At the top, there was this HUGE boulder... nice to pose on, nice to take pictures of! No idea why it was there, though... Hmmm

The girls were standing on the rock we made our mark on.

Had much fun biking too! No pictures tho, no hands free... haha!

Wonderful day, thanks Kanzarians!

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