Monday, October 02, 2006

Bloody... Hell...

Why is it that blogger loads so freaking slow?
Why cant people tell 1 more person that there is no dance pract on monday? (Ie, me)
Why does it have to be dance on tuesday, and i only find out now. (WTH,WTF, WTG)

BLOOOODY $$^##&#@@

Doesnt help that i got people complaining that they got below average for quizzes.
When they scored higher then me. At least dont fucking complain to ME. Gaawd...
Go find some AT or KLK to complain to. Im sure they would sympathize. Complain to them about army too, why dont you.

Stupid stupi.

Schedule for tmr is super tight, why? Cos i going for econs lecture, so i can link it into dancesport. And hiphop comes on Tuesdays now. Wow.

Fucking everything. Blah.

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