Friday, September 01, 2006

Is Guilt a Vicious cycle?

Guys, need your comments here :)

If someone accuses you of a crime you didnt commit, would you

A) Laugh it off.
B) Deny everything and forget about it.
C) Worry day and night about something which you are "not guilty" of.

And if supposing someone answered C), is he really guilty, in spite of telling himself that he is not? (Guy identity used here, as "he" is easier to type then "she")

A) Yes.
B) No.

Please post your comments and ideas! Thanks people :)
This would help to show reactions of normal people under such circumstances.

1 comment:

mIn said...

well, i would choose c) and no.

C) because i would be disturbed over why the accuser would come to such a conclusion.