Sunday, September 11, 2005

11th September 2005- Mission Impossible, Possible!

Army Half Marathon today. Ran with a friend, we kept each other going for most of the run.

Somehow, i managed to finish the run, without walking, all the way keep going.

Thanks to everyone who made it possible! Shirine for her endless encouragement, and Firdaus for the support and company during the run! Most importantly Dad, for transport, and support, if not I wouldnt even make it there on time, haha!

Its a huge acomplishment for me, as there was almost no training for us, basically I went in not being able to run the 21.1km, and still somehow managed it!

Was smiling throughout the run, was smiling and encouraging even when I had multiple leg cramps... Was laughing all the way, talking, chitchatting, even though between us only I did the talking...

With cramps at the knees and calves of both legs, i still pushed on, going even though it was hurting...

The best part is the 1 extra day off due to the medal recieved...

I guess I discovered something about life, and myself today.

In life, mentality is everything. I told myself that the run is just a mind game, and I played like it was a mind game, and won, even though my body was in no shape for the run.

In myself, I have found a new determination and drive, and for what I want, nothing can stop me.

I guess for this new mental strength I have 1 person to thank...
Thanks Val...

So now got 3 days off, happy..

Bought dance shoes last Saturday, but couldnt use due the AHM... Think christmas present you cant open... LOL... SOON!

1 comment:

delphinium said...


i'm proud of you. drive is the only thing that you had to find for yourself to conquer the world =P

and i mean that