Sunday, September 11, 2005

11th September 2005-Damn girls, really, damn.

My heart goes out to all those NSF men out there whose girlfriends wanted a break for whatever reason.

Why NSF guys? Why do girls get bored of us army guys?

They just DONT FUCKING UNDERSTAND. They think university is all there is to life, deadlines, projects, exams. They wonder why WE cannot understand them, why WE dont console them and give them the attention they deserve, why WE cannot entertain them?

Sorry gals, but your thinking is just DAMN FUCKED up. We are over here, slogging our fucking guts out for our country. All you girls think about is yourself. Why arent the guys giving me attention? Why are the guys not treating me like a princess, like a treasure? You think we all wanna spend 2 plus years doing something that makes us left out of the world? Something that isolates us from "The Rest" of the Uni students? Naive Idealistic Bitches.

What the HELL. We start army stories, and you feel left out. We dont, we have nothing to talk about. Hell, you think army is as good as Uni life? Fuck you. Its not all roses over here, FYI. You like getting fucked by superiors in a job you cant quit? For a miserable pay too? Welcome, sign on in the army, slut. Maybe then you would recognise our hardships during our National Service.
Quit bitching about how we dont treat you the same, or have no time for you.

Hell, WE might end up in UNI too, DONT INSIST WE DONT UNDERSTAND. WE WILL. On the other hand, most girls will NEVER KNOW what we go through in army. GIRLS DONT UNDERSTAND. Words from us wont paint a complete picture. SIGN ON. A picture paints a MILLION WORDS. See things through OUR EYES INSTEAD OF YOUR OWN FUCKING MISGUIDED ONES.

Selfish sluts.

Excuse me, if your a nice girl that loves your NSF boy. I speak for the majority of the Uni Girl breaking the NSF Boy's heart. Specially if they were in the same school, same age, yadayada.

Just that most Singaporean Girls are SLUTS. They expect everything from a guy, but they dont fucking give back. Think pussy is all you need to get everything you want? Slut. Car.Condo.Credit Card.Cash.Country Club. AND YOU WANT THE GUYS ATTENTION. Think about it. If the guy has to SLOG HIS ASS OFF FOR THE 5Cs, YOU THINK HE STILL HAS TIME TO BRING YOU TO SPAS EVERY OTHER DAY? Dream on, bitch. Dream on.

Or, you could just go for AngMoh guys. Be the slutty SPG you really are.

1 comment:

delphinium said...

rence, it's not the uni that's hard for us. that's just a cover. it's leaving our innocence, knowing that we have to look out for ourselves. maybe we expect too much, but being looked after and treasured is so important to us. some women just can't be independant. call it lazy, say that we don't want to. but when once you rushed to pick us up and hold us tight, you now look and say, oh well, we've been through much worse, it's about time you learnt. you have bmt, we need bwmt, basic without men training. walking through fire is nothing compared to learning to love the man that your boy has become. we're so proud of you, we wished we were a part of that something that suddenly makes you a man. yes it does, and we don't know or understand why. something almost magical happens after your posting, you grow up overnight and we don't understand it. the torture of the whole experience is something that some girls actually want to understand. not because it's torturous, or we have something to prove, but because it makes all the difference in the world. you can call a girl a lady, or a woman, but the difference between a boy and a man is so vast. and we're afraid that you've become so strong and manly, that why do you need us.