Saturday, September 24, 2005

23rd September 2005-Frustration

Darn. Just fininished Improver lesson 4. It was really bad.
1)Didnt enjoy myself.
2)Ladies i danced with couldnt really follow, and a couple of them backlead soo badly.
3)Ladies i danced with didnt know what they were supposed to do/how they were supposed to follow, really nasty.
4)Class going really slow because some people dont do social dancing, and still wanna continue salsa lessons, most irritating, because it slows down the class, and the ladies dont really improve if the lead cant do nuts.
5)Couldnt catch all the stuff that was taught. Very pissed at myself.

Hope life gets better. Salsa life, that is, haha! Finally understand why Ben was so pissed at some Rueda people... Hope it gets better in I2, heard only the serious dancers make it to there :D

Work wasnt so bad, managed to hit target... Whee... More vehicles next week, must work like a mad dog again to cope with target. Hope we get some incentive or benefit man... Sighz

Bright side, had dessert with a friend today... She actually came all the way down after work, supposed to eat but neither one hungry, lolz, so dessert it was. Maxwell market egg tofu, lol! Not a wasted trip for her, brought her to JJ studio and got her the lesson schedule... Shes gonna start lessons at JJ! :D

Tmr, today rather, will be meeting Jason for cooking! Looking forward to trying his recipes :D

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