Sunday, September 04, 2005

4th September 2005- Long Long Night, Yesterday

Yesterday was crazy, met alot of new people at Union, stayed late, but didnt have the mood to dance much later in the night, was feeling very tired, very off form, and a little sleepy...

Coulda been the music not funky enough, or maybe not happy enough, didnt drink any alcohol, haha!

After dance went for supper, as usual. Ben dragged our instructor along, haha! We had a fun time talking and laughing over supper with the rest of the guys/gals.

By some strange twist of events, I was half dragged into taking the next Rueda class on 11th Sept as a lady needed a partner to join with her... Half dragged because half of me wants very much to learn, more then half actually, the other (Less then)half says that I think I might not be ready yet. Besides, it was almost a challenge to me...

When asked if I wanted to do Rueda, I said yes, why not, only if Jackson says ok, because requirement wise, I have minimum 2 and a half months more of lessons to go before I can qualify for Rueda... He said I could join.

I feel Really Really Really honoured!

However, I know that plenty of hard work is going to be needed to catch up with everybody else, and a lot of practice to make sure I dont lag in either Salsa Or Rueda...

Hope I dont let anybody down! Will work as hard as I can to make sure everything, especially Rueda, goes well for everyone else...

Hope I can cope too, LOL, even remember saying that the last month would not repeat itself as 2 lessons a week is hard to cope with, haha!

My I1 improver class is on Sunday too! Back to back! Haha, might consider switching to Friday class instead... Headache, haha!


Jeffery Challenged Ben, would buy him a drink if he dared to drink it... After mixing 4 hard liquors, he took a fifth liquor, set it on fire, and poured it down Ben's Throat, while standing on the Bar counter... Talk about Attention Grabbing!

Amazing! Best part was, Ben wasnt even tipsy from that strong stuff... Totally amazing, i Salute you Ben! haha!

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