Sunday, September 25, 2005

25th September 2005-WoWee!

Was at Union yesterday, coupla friends went down, as usual stayed until late.

Glad I did, the gems came out at about 2am... The dance floor had ALL PROS, ALL!

Each one had their unique style, all of they played with the music, danced and grooved so totally in tune with the sounds... It was crazy, i was practically staring at them stunned...

Also alot of funny stuff happens at night, like a lady who was "snatched" by guys, each cutting into the dance and taking turns, its so cool!

And the usual jokers, ahah, dance with arms across each other, 2 guys with 1 lady, so funny, haha!

Was so cool to be able to see all these happening, enjoyed it very very much!

Jwo's class shows alot of promise! haha! Got at least 2 very promising ladies i danced with, and the guys seem garang enough... Very nice to have more people to salsa!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

23rd September 2005-Frustration

Darn. Just fininished Improver lesson 4. It was really bad.
1)Didnt enjoy myself.
2)Ladies i danced with couldnt really follow, and a couple of them backlead soo badly.
3)Ladies i danced with didnt know what they were supposed to do/how they were supposed to follow, really nasty.
4)Class going really slow because some people dont do social dancing, and still wanna continue salsa lessons, most irritating, because it slows down the class, and the ladies dont really improve if the lead cant do nuts.
5)Couldnt catch all the stuff that was taught. Very pissed at myself.

Hope life gets better. Salsa life, that is, haha! Finally understand why Ben was so pissed at some Rueda people... Hope it gets better in I2, heard only the serious dancers make it to there :D

Work wasnt so bad, managed to hit target... Whee... More vehicles next week, must work like a mad dog again to cope with target. Hope we get some incentive or benefit man... Sighz

Bright side, had dessert with a friend today... She actually came all the way down after work, supposed to eat but neither one hungry, lolz, so dessert it was. Maxwell market egg tofu, lol! Not a wasted trip for her, brought her to JJ studio and got her the lesson schedule... Shes gonna start lessons at JJ! :D

Tmr, today rather, will be meeting Jason for cooking! Looking forward to trying his recipes :D

Sunday, September 11, 2005

11th September 2005-Damn girls, really, damn.

My heart goes out to all those NSF men out there whose girlfriends wanted a break for whatever reason.

Why NSF guys? Why do girls get bored of us army guys?

They just DONT FUCKING UNDERSTAND. They think university is all there is to life, deadlines, projects, exams. They wonder why WE cannot understand them, why WE dont console them and give them the attention they deserve, why WE cannot entertain them?

Sorry gals, but your thinking is just DAMN FUCKED up. We are over here, slogging our fucking guts out for our country. All you girls think about is yourself. Why arent the guys giving me attention? Why are the guys not treating me like a princess, like a treasure? You think we all wanna spend 2 plus years doing something that makes us left out of the world? Something that isolates us from "The Rest" of the Uni students? Naive Idealistic Bitches.

What the HELL. We start army stories, and you feel left out. We dont, we have nothing to talk about. Hell, you think army is as good as Uni life? Fuck you. Its not all roses over here, FYI. You like getting fucked by superiors in a job you cant quit? For a miserable pay too? Welcome, sign on in the army, slut. Maybe then you would recognise our hardships during our National Service.
Quit bitching about how we dont treat you the same, or have no time for you.

Hell, WE might end up in UNI too, DONT INSIST WE DONT UNDERSTAND. WE WILL. On the other hand, most girls will NEVER KNOW what we go through in army. GIRLS DONT UNDERSTAND. Words from us wont paint a complete picture. SIGN ON. A picture paints a MILLION WORDS. See things through OUR EYES INSTEAD OF YOUR OWN FUCKING MISGUIDED ONES.

Selfish sluts.

Excuse me, if your a nice girl that loves your NSF boy. I speak for the majority of the Uni Girl breaking the NSF Boy's heart. Specially if they were in the same school, same age, yadayada.

Just that most Singaporean Girls are SLUTS. They expect everything from a guy, but they dont fucking give back. Think pussy is all you need to get everything you want? Slut. Car.Condo.Credit Card.Cash.Country Club. AND YOU WANT THE GUYS ATTENTION. Think about it. If the guy has to SLOG HIS ASS OFF FOR THE 5Cs, YOU THINK HE STILL HAS TIME TO BRING YOU TO SPAS EVERY OTHER DAY? Dream on, bitch. Dream on.

Or, you could just go for AngMoh guys. Be the slutty SPG you really are.

11th September 2005- Mission Impossible, Possible!

Army Half Marathon today. Ran with a friend, we kept each other going for most of the run.

Somehow, i managed to finish the run, without walking, all the way keep going.

Thanks to everyone who made it possible! Shirine for her endless encouragement, and Firdaus for the support and company during the run! Most importantly Dad, for transport, and support, if not I wouldnt even make it there on time, haha!

Its a huge acomplishment for me, as there was almost no training for us, basically I went in not being able to run the 21.1km, and still somehow managed it!

Was smiling throughout the run, was smiling and encouraging even when I had multiple leg cramps... Was laughing all the way, talking, chitchatting, even though between us only I did the talking...

With cramps at the knees and calves of both legs, i still pushed on, going even though it was hurting...

The best part is the 1 extra day off due to the medal recieved...

I guess I discovered something about life, and myself today.

In life, mentality is everything. I told myself that the run is just a mind game, and I played like it was a mind game, and won, even though my body was in no shape for the run.

In myself, I have found a new determination and drive, and for what I want, nothing can stop me.

I guess for this new mental strength I have 1 person to thank...
Thanks Val...

So now got 3 days off, happy..

Bought dance shoes last Saturday, but couldnt use due the AHM... Think christmas present you cant open... LOL... SOON!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

9th September 2005-Whew

Whew... Just when I thought I couldnt handle more...

JJ Rueda class postponed, probably to next month... Whew, Can do Improver in peace :)

Very tired, but got 2 full days tmr to rest, not including the Marathon, wish me luck :p

Friday, September 09, 2005

8th September 2005- Terrible, just terrible

OMG, today, yesterday, the dancing was terrible... I Missed beats, lots of them. Dance on wrong beat most of the songs, most of the time. Am at a total loss for moves.

Might just be tired, need sleep, sigh...

Terrible terrible...

Then still got added stress of performing up to my own standards now, cos got Rueda, starting Sunday...

Sigh, maybe next week i rest, or go down once only...

Too tired, need sleep :p

Monday, September 05, 2005

5th September 2005-And Now...

Ok.... just downed everything, sorta waitinf for the effect to take place...

Reember, the speeling errprs you see are all because of the alchool, nothing else... Each spacing between sentences is about 2 mins interval... Juast to track my progess..

okkkaaay, feeling a little burn in my tummy.... haha

Vison getting blurdry, hands and head getting disconnected, o can type but dnot feel my hands moving... funny... feeling.... hahahaha... wOOT!

Still sane, think i should down more tequila, hmm

ok! More tequila!

Oww.. Tequila from the bottle into throat feels really hot... ouch! Drinking Martini Bianco on the rocks fto tocool down my throat, haa

Oooo, feeling really woosy... hahah, can still chat, can still type straight if i put in some effort, but its like the words appear without me actuall y knowing what im wrighting, haha

feel like more tequila, i dunno tho.... Just finisehd mu martinai....

Gonning for another tequila plus martine! woot1

Got another shot of tequila, and 1 shot of martini bianco mixed, with some grendaine syrup inside. brings the total to 4 plus tequila and 3 plus martini, with a stout...

Gonna drink already, wish me luck... haha!

My gooodness... the mix is getting me even more heady... haha... its a nice ribina coulour... ribena coulour... ribena colour... ya, ribena colour.... haha! shit la... forget it///

shit, almost gone now

not quite, but like 65 percent? haha, everything is funky now, io feel ahappiy!
crappy, but happy... Gals, sheesh, are they really worth it man? i dunno... Wju am i even mentioning them? dunno sia, muz be drunk liaoz...

Just finished last drink, gonna get choclolates to muinch...

Mom said my face red, i just laughted it off,, almost finished a bar of cadbury chocholate, the big one, woooo!

OMG, just had a long phone converstation, and im like so cluose to plyking... Pukning,, i suck at drinking. sigh

5th September 2005- Ready, Set.....

Ok, gonna get a shot glass
Measure out maybe 3-5 shots of tequila
Down that
AND Chase it with a can o Stout

Later, i will make a post, lets see if spelling is correct eh?

Sunday, September 04, 2005

4th September 2005- Same time, different post

Right now, Im stuck in camp doing VBS duty. The MESS is empty... No couches, #@$%ing H3LL... Thought i could get some sleep, now gotta sleep on the floor... BL@@DY CR@P...

Tomorrow sure ache like H3LL, and still have to work, Grrrrr...

At least still got a computer, and Aircon... haha...

I guess if really tired, sleep anywhere also can la huh?

4th September 2005- Long Long Night, Yesterday

Yesterday was crazy, met alot of new people at Union, stayed late, but didnt have the mood to dance much later in the night, was feeling very tired, very off form, and a little sleepy...

Coulda been the music not funky enough, or maybe not happy enough, didnt drink any alcohol, haha!

After dance went for supper, as usual. Ben dragged our instructor along, haha! We had a fun time talking and laughing over supper with the rest of the guys/gals.

By some strange twist of events, I was half dragged into taking the next Rueda class on 11th Sept as a lady needed a partner to join with her... Half dragged because half of me wants very much to learn, more then half actually, the other (Less then)half says that I think I might not be ready yet. Besides, it was almost a challenge to me...

When asked if I wanted to do Rueda, I said yes, why not, only if Jackson says ok, because requirement wise, I have minimum 2 and a half months more of lessons to go before I can qualify for Rueda... He said I could join.

I feel Really Really Really honoured!

However, I know that plenty of hard work is going to be needed to catch up with everybody else, and a lot of practice to make sure I dont lag in either Salsa Or Rueda...

Hope I dont let anybody down! Will work as hard as I can to make sure everything, especially Rueda, goes well for everyone else...

Hope I can cope too, LOL, even remember saying that the last month would not repeat itself as 2 lessons a week is hard to cope with, haha!

My I1 improver class is on Sunday too! Back to back! Haha, might consider switching to Friday class instead... Headache, haha!


Jeffery Challenged Ben, would buy him a drink if he dared to drink it... After mixing 4 hard liquors, he took a fifth liquor, set it on fire, and poured it down Ben's Throat, while standing on the Bar counter... Talk about Attention Grabbing!

Amazing! Best part was, Ben wasnt even tipsy from that strong stuff... Totally amazing, i Salute you Ben! haha!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

2nd September 2005- Question

Am I using Salsa as a rebound from Val?

Seriously, I dont know, but Im glad I found something I enjoy.

Lets see where this road leads...

Stupid question actually, I enjoy Salsa so much that it cant just be a rebound, sure, i spend a heck lot of time doing Salsa, and really throw myself into it mostly, but thats because I like it, as well as have a lot of free time now.

I have no life, lol...

Friday, September 02, 2005

2nd September 2005- Long day

Just got home from I1 Improver at JJ, wow... Fun stuff, funky 1 1/2 turn we learnt... Cant balance for nuts though, kept falling... Guess im too tired to coordinate... Need sleep... haha

Plus going down to Union again tomorrow, I think im nuts...

1th/2nd September 2005- WOMAD! WOOT!

My word... Went down to Union square, heard alittle about WOMAD, and the band thats playing tonight...

Had no IDEA that they would be so FREAKING FUNKY! Its like, oh my god... They got me grooving so hard I couldnt believe myself... It couldnt have been the 2 1/2 barcardi breezers i had, could it? Nah... It was the band, definately!

Stayed much later then I expected, but wow, was on my feet the whole time after then 2nd band performance... Was really really really excited cos of the great music, the beat was excellent, the band members could wow the crowd with their antics, like starting a mass coordinated dance... Wow!

3 of the 30 people i smsed turned up today... sigh... Not gonna try so hard anymore, its not worth the effort... Or maybe this Saturday will be my last effort... haha!