Saturday, April 28, 2007

Note to self.

Never. Ever. Ever. Drink. Rancid. Coffee.

Why, you may ask?

Let me tell you the story.

Its 1230am. I havent covered much CH1005 Material Science, and the exam is on Monday. So I decided, "Hey, what the hell, lets get some coffee!"

I opened the little tub that contained this coffee, it smelt a little funny, granted, but I didnt take much notice. I proceeded to tip the container and shake, hoping to get out a little brew into my cup. Voila! The whole tub of coffee (roughly 150grams) managed to dump itself into my hot water. And dormitory floor.

Great. I had a super strong, bitter brew right there. And a floor of coffee to clean up. That was all cool. Till I tasted the stuff.

You must know, that I drink coffee without sugar or milk. Just the bitter, if you please.

What I tasted was 150% pure bitter rancidness. Like. Woah. Spacy. Maybe the high of a pot smoker on pot. I dunno. But WoAh.

Went to throw out the cup. Had to scrub down the sink too. Blasted stuff.

At least Im alive. I hope that the few drops I tasted wont kill me. It might very well have had.

Anyways. Ginseng tea is so much safer. I always knew HanMing was trying to kill me. He did supply the coffee. About 5 months ago. But I still swear he is trying to kill me.

Everyone is trying to kill me. (Runs away to little, safe, coffeeless corner)


1 comment:

delphinium said...

how long did ya keep it? i've never ever heard of rancid coffee....