Saturday, August 06, 2005

6th August 2005-Bo Bo shooter?

Dangit, had range yesterday... Shot at some tiny black dots... Apparently, i cant shoot very well, i barely had 60% accuracy, or rather, hitting rate... Good thing im not a trooper, or Singapore will be in trouble :p... or maybe the enemy will laugh to death, heh

Got home pretty late, actually got home early today, haha... Spoke to Sondha online, shes kinda surprised... She was like, are you still Rence? haha, funny...

Today Got Salsa!

Fun at beginner class i hope, and tonight, UNION SQUARE! WOOT!

Doesnt really matter that i only know 4 or so moves...

As long as everyone has fun! Right? haha

Its the mid of my 3rd week without Val? Getting used to being alone. Realising that im not actually alone, that i have friends i can spend time with, just that i didnt seek them out before. Its a nice thought, that i actually have friends... haha... Most ppl who knew me in school would know why i say that.

I should get out more often :D



delphinium said...

=P so what am i then, a treasured enemy?


miss you heaps man, people here are boring!

Anonymous said...

hey hey,..
u have been improving alot... dun the rate u are going.. sooner or later u will be one of the better ones.. hehe.. leaving me behind.. haha..
