Monday, August 01, 2005

1st August 2005- Another day

Nothing much happened. Just got my schedule messed up due to parade reheresals in army. As such, Wednesday wont be too good a salsa day. Not that it will get me down, haha, because torrorrow i can go down with Young. He has some female salsa friends apparently. Or maybe just one. Hope its a fruitful day to learn to dance.

Darn, wish i had more practice on my inter1 moves... But its late, gotta get to bed. Maybe i could squeeze in another few mins of practice :D

Hugs and kisses for all my friends! haha... Not that i have many... Guys, if your reading and have anything to say, please post comments :D Its fun to hear from yall, and also to know what you guys think i think... haha!

Till next time, keep funkaaaay!

P.S. I just got a reply from NTU volleyball... They dont mind noobs! WOOPEE! Something i can do in uni!

1 comment:

delphinium said...


get a tagboard dearie. altho the site's down right now. but it's good!

and practise hard. i'm rusty, but i need people to practise with!

*much love*