Sunday, April 29, 2007


As Albert Einstein would have put it.

I now know 1 more way how NOT to make popped corn.

Corn kernels not all popped. Small problem there.

Too much sauce in the container I was shaking the corn with. Big mistake. I ended up with a small, tiny volume of wet-hen popped corn. Soggy and butter saturated. Bleh.

I know better next time!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Note to self.

Never. Ever. Ever. Drink. Rancid. Coffee.

Why, you may ask?

Let me tell you the story.

Its 1230am. I havent covered much CH1005 Material Science, and the exam is on Monday. So I decided, "Hey, what the hell, lets get some coffee!"

I opened the little tub that contained this coffee, it smelt a little funny, granted, but I didnt take much notice. I proceeded to tip the container and shake, hoping to get out a little brew into my cup. Voila! The whole tub of coffee (roughly 150grams) managed to dump itself into my hot water. And dormitory floor.

Great. I had a super strong, bitter brew right there. And a floor of coffee to clean up. That was all cool. Till I tasted the stuff.

You must know, that I drink coffee without sugar or milk. Just the bitter, if you please.

What I tasted was 150% pure bitter rancidness. Like. Woah. Spacy. Maybe the high of a pot smoker on pot. I dunno. But WoAh.

Went to throw out the cup. Had to scrub down the sink too. Blasted stuff.

At least Im alive. I hope that the few drops I tasted wont kill me. It might very well have had.

Anyways. Ginseng tea is so much safer. I always knew HanMing was trying to kill me. He did supply the coffee. About 5 months ago. But I still swear he is trying to kill me.

Everyone is trying to kill me. (Runs away to little, safe, coffeeless corner)


Thursday, April 26, 2007

Breakfast for the Champions!

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce to you the most energy packed, carbohydrate loaded and deliciously delightful energy drink...


Each can has close to 400Kcal of of energy, more then 3 times that of Coke.

It is made from fermented wheat. Meaning, it is pre-digested Carbohydrate. Meaning, your body can easily adsorb the wholesome goodness that each can of Beer provides.

This drink would make an awesome health suppliment when drunk at meals, or as standalone meal replacements. The amount of energy each can provides dictate that you should drink 2 cans to replace 1 meal. This gives you about 800Kcal of energy, or a third of the day's Calorie Requirement, for guys. Girls drink one and a half cans. 600Kcal is enough for you.

Such easily adsorbed energy would mean that you would be more active throughout the day!

Plus, you get a nice, tingly buzz from that teeny weeny alcohol percent. 5% for standard drinks, and a Whooping 8.8% for a Baron's Strong Brew. I suggest San Miguel for meal replacements. Its taste is magnificient and crisp, its much easier to get off the tongue then Tiger or Baron's.

Move over cereal. This is the REAL breakfast for the Champions!


Clarence WILL NOT take responsibility to what you do when drunk, especially because you had 2 cans of beer for breakfast. If you drink then its your own damn business. Good day!

Monday, April 16, 2007


Those who are really, really, really free, check out this URL

And if you like, sign up and play. Its a free online game. Good to kill some braincells and time.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Running at 0030am is fun. Hardly any cars, cool midnight breeze, nice scenery.

Helps to reactivate the brain. Fourier and PDEs drain all my juices. Gotta love maths.

Cats bringing waffles are the best things that can happen to any of my days! :D

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Scary Thoughts.

Woke up with organic chemisty reactions racing through my head. Woke up about 5 full minutes before my alarm rang. Woke up in less then 6hours from sleeping.

Well, I DID take it as a positive sign. Now Im not so sure. Must have screwed the quiz pretty darned badly. OC is one damn tough module, and the profs are NOT gonna make this easy.

Chemical Engineering.

Our course started with 199 people. After the 1st semester, only 189 were left. Now theres 173 remaining.

174 bottles of beer on the wall, 174 boootttlees of beeeer!!
Take one down, pass it around,
173 bottles of beer on the walll...

No way in hell that Im gonna drop out of this course. You profs better deal with me.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Phantom of the Opera

Well. That picture wasnt exactly from the scene of the play. It does signify the swooning I did over it though.

Words find it hard to encompass the feel that the Phantom instilled.

It was a beautiful performance, worth every cent, and more. No wonder so many others wish to watch it again, and I agree!


Monday, April 09, 2007

I wonder...

I wonder how many of you would actually notice I changed my name to Rence from ClaireRence.


Oh. Heres a Computing Assignment Joon Hong had to help me with. Interesting stuff you can do with loops and what nots.

Christmas Greetings will come for all... Soon... Muahahaha


Exams around the corner. Darn.

Getting some sort of buzz from being able to comprehend my modules. Hope this turns out favourable, lol.

Heres what I wanted to upload last time but failed miserably. CokeFEE! The new high. Lol.