Wednesday, August 31, 2005

31th August 2005- I swear Im NOT DRUNK!

OMG, the unthinkable happened when I was mixing my 2nd glass of tequila and grenadine...

Was swirling the glass innocently, when Suddenly I realised that the glass was no longer in my hand... Oops...

Bloody glass smashed on the floormat, staining everything a nice Ribena colour, had to pick up the cursed glass shards, all the while mumbling how I wasnt drunk...

Good thing parents didnt say anything, other then, 3Hrs of sleep a day will do that to you (Dad said that)

God, tequila with grenadine is still helluva strong, its almost neat, just not as raw tasting... Weirdly pleasant... Cant wait to go drinking with the guys... Sigh...

31th August 2005

Yesterday had so much fun. Wasnt really expecting it though, went for a makeup I1 class, and ended up at Union with a bunch of classmates, whom I met only that day, had a great time, only regret not dancing with everybody, missed out 1 lady... Hope that i get the chance to dance with her soon...

Went out for supper after that, talked abit, had a few great laughs... Today wasnt as nice, got shelled by parents in the morning for getting home late. What to do, no car :p

Tomorrow going Union again with Beginner classmates, hope that they turn up though... Heard WOMAD is performing too, hopefully its good, and not too crowded...

Sunday, August 28, 2005

28th August 2005-.......

Feel like $#%!, had salsa, had cooking today, had fun playing with Jason's dog, Terri or Terry... Supposed to have a good day, but i still feel like $#%!

Maybe because I am tired,
Maybe because I stupidly walked to Tanglin Shopping Centre
ending up at a closed shop when i really wanted dancing shoes,
Maybe Because Young and his friends didnt know what time they were playing lan till
Maybe because I am tired,
Maybe because I dont sleep enough,
Maybe because the I1 salsa class dont really give a crap about going down together,
and just totally ignore my efforts to make a contact list, for most of them.
Some dont even reply smses, SIMPLE COURTESY DAMMIT

Post edited, some unwanted stuff there, heh

Friday, August 26, 2005

26th August 2005-Lessons

Couple of things I learnt the past week... Either learnt, or verbalized, or formulated in thought...

1) Its good to have many friends, people who you can hang out with, even into the wee hours at night having supper.

2) Outlook is everything, if your happy, everything around is worth doing.

3) Determination is key, and I realised that I do have enough driving force when I have a goal that I wanna reach for myself.

4) Its tiring to hang out too late multiple nights.

5) Hanging out late means less time to think.

6) 1v1 DoTA can be really, really 1 sided... hahaha!

Theres going to be a Bachata workshop today... Wanna drop by Union too, but noone I know for sure is going, and its gonna be expensive :p haha, lets play by ear...

Thursday, August 25, 2005

25th August 2005- Eventful It Is

@#$@....Ippt.... Aced every @#$@ station except the blardy broadjump... Seriously, they bully people that cant jump... Did well for myself during the 2.4km, ran without watch but made a decent time, haha!

Talked to Ben for quite awhile today, got a couple of things straightened out... He gave me a lot of inspiration to say the least, therefore, I hereby declare Ben as one of my salsa mentors :D not that he wasnt one to begin with, haha!

Back at work we had a rescue mission, big, nasty 5tonner got itself really dug in to some muddy ground... Poor beast was up to the door in mud, 2 tires were almost invisible as they were buried in sludge. Under the hot sun, in full view of officer trainees, the 3 of us Recovery Techs rescued the giant with finesse, manipulating the Wrecker's Winch Cable, and dragging the giant machine out with Chains and Shackles, it was a marvelous experience!

Boss also said that on Monday, we be pulling an SM1, its a tank! Wowee! Fun :)

Tomorrow on a half day, because I dont want the bachata workshop, wondering if i should go Union square after that... dont know if i will know anyone there... sigh...

That i leave to tomorrow to decide, haha!

25th August 2005- Stressed?

Work is tough, moving hangar, moving workshop... Most of everything we carry over is heavy stuff, backbreaking and tedious process getting our equipment around...

Just back from salsa, had fun, learnt new moves... I1 coming to an end, decided that im going to talk to instructor about the next class to take.

Weekend coming! Hope i can make it through!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

19th August 2005- Coincidence?

Quite glad i made the choice to go down Union Square today... Ran into someone unexpected, and yet was hoping to see... Ben should know, haha!

Hope tmr parade will be ok, and that after the parade can still go Union again!


Sunday, August 14, 2005

14th August 2005-The most meaningful day of my life

I had no idea. I actually only found out yesterday, or early morning today, whichever you prefer, lol.. Was having supper after union square when Kai Min mentioned she had to wake up early. I asked why and found out she was going to visit a children's home.

Thought about it for a moment, then I asked if I could tag along, reasons being, 1) I love kids, and 2) It was a much more meaningful way of spending a Sunday morning, even though I would love my sleep.

Turns out it was an EXCELLENT choice!

The kids were fantastic, bouncy and happy, most of them. It took all our energy to keep up with them! Most of them had fantastic artistic talent too!

The programme was 1) Musical Chairs
2) Drawing Competition
3) Balloon Event (It was an impromptu thing when Li Wen(sorry if i mispelled) found out I do balloons, haha)

Musical chairs was quite the disaster though, because of the nature of the game, someone is eliminated each round. It had never occurred to us that these kids would be sensitive to loss. A kid pulled me aside as he voluntarily left the game. When I asked him why, he told me he didnt like to lose. Then I realised what a mistake we made. This was a lesson I learnt today.

Thankfully, Li Wen's quick thinking saved the day as we slid immediately into the Drawing Event!

The Drawing Event was much of a success, most of the children were engaged with crayons and a free flow of drawing bloc. It was amazing to see all of the artwork produced by these young prodigies. Some wonderful pieces came out, skillfuly drawn. It just amazed me.

All hell broke loose when the 1st balloon came out! Every kid wanted a balloon, so after 5 minutes of trying to twist balloons, I just thought better of it and decided to just pump out balloons for the kids, it worked after most of the kids had balloons, then they just ran around playing! It was so interesting to watch!

I had so much fun with these children, talking to them, playing with them. It amazing how much you can benefit from an experience like this. At the end of the day, all of the 8 of us were totally worn out. One guy commented that it felt like a whole day event, even though it was only 3 hours... I so totally agreed with him, haha!

Thanks alot Kai Min for giving me this opportunity to visit this really special place!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

9th August 2005- National Dayy!

Went to watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory today... Ran into Laura Lynn at the cinema! What a coincidence, haha, long time no see, but its still wonderful to run into ex classmates...

The show was so wierd... Its like, twisted and sick in a subtle sort of way. I wonder what the author was thinking when he concocted this fantasy :o

Salsa is giving me a headache... Sigh... I dunno exactly whats eating, i just know its something about salsa... Maybe just tired, eh?

9th August 2005- WOO!

National day! its actually 0130 in the morning :p just got home from salsa.

Got my I1 classmates down, they got their friends down, we ended up with alot of people! It was quite funky, pity i had to leave early. It was like a friendster live in union square, haha!

Feel very drained. Might be exhaustion, might be illness, no idea, but i dont like the feeling...

Was fun however, danced with a lady that took lessons with LADanceConnection(LADC), she was really good! Best part was, she said i was good for a beginner :) so happy!

Frustrated with myself though... Even though i have learnt quite a few moves, i hardly use them, mostly use basic steps alot. I feel that im boring the lady, if not, myself... Not a nice feeling... I wanna learn more, be more fluid, be a better lead, be as close to perfect as possible.

That feeling is not nice, either. Its like, im putting too much pressure on myself, and distorting something that i enjoy doing so as to compete with myself. I wanna tell myself to take it slow, but then, i cant stand the feeling of not learning more. Confused maybe. I guess i should just take it slow and enjoy myself instead of rush rush rush, heh...

Probably gotta get a life... All i have now is salsa, pretty sad for a 20yr old kid... haha

Sunday, August 07, 2005

7th August 2005-Uggghh...

Argh. Runny nose... Feels like a blocked pipe... Throat itchy... Dammit... haha

Anyway, national day off comming! Must Survive!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

6th August 2005-Bo Bo shooter?

Dangit, had range yesterday... Shot at some tiny black dots... Apparently, i cant shoot very well, i barely had 60% accuracy, or rather, hitting rate... Good thing im not a trooper, or Singapore will be in trouble :p... or maybe the enemy will laugh to death, heh

Got home pretty late, actually got home early today, haha... Spoke to Sondha online, shes kinda surprised... She was like, are you still Rence? haha, funny...

Today Got Salsa!

Fun at beginner class i hope, and tonight, UNION SQUARE! WOOT!

Doesnt really matter that i only know 4 or so moves...

As long as everyone has fun! Right? haha

Its the mid of my 3rd week without Val? Getting used to being alone. Realising that im not actually alone, that i have friends i can spend time with, just that i didnt seek them out before. Its a nice thought, that i actually have friends... haha... Most ppl who knew me in school would know why i say that.

I should get out more often :D


Thursday, August 04, 2005

4th August 2005- Salsa!

Its like 230 in the morning, just got home from salsa, thx to Jonathon for a lift home :)

Had dinner with grandparents yesterday :) wednesday night, which was a few hours ago. Managed to drag another Jonathon down to salsa :) haha, soon can dance again, im mad about this salsa thing!

Monday, August 01, 2005

1st August 2005- Another day

Nothing much happened. Just got my schedule messed up due to parade reheresals in army. As such, Wednesday wont be too good a salsa day. Not that it will get me down, haha, because torrorrow i can go down with Young. He has some female salsa friends apparently. Or maybe just one. Hope its a fruitful day to learn to dance.

Darn, wish i had more practice on my inter1 moves... But its late, gotta get to bed. Maybe i could squeeze in another few mins of practice :D

Hugs and kisses for all my friends! haha... Not that i have many... Guys, if your reading and have anything to say, please post comments :D Its fun to hear from yall, and also to know what you guys think i think... haha!

Till next time, keep funkaaaay!

P.S. I just got a reply from NTU volleyball... They dont mind noobs! WOOPEE! Something i can do in uni!

31th July 2005- Fun fun fun!

Yesterday was the salsa beginner's 1st lesson. It was so so so funky! It was also an instructor's birthday... Union square was so crowded the whole night! It was funky, the band made birthday announcements, they sang a birthday song in salsa, and the floor was cleared for Rueda, wow..

Was with my buddies most of yesterday, but managed to get up enough guts for ask a couple of ladies for dances, haha...

Cant wait for today's salsa intermediate lesson :) They must think im mad taking beginner and inter1 back to back, haha!