Wednesday, September 20, 2006


When the darkness is all around
And light, so far away.

Tiny spot
in the distance.
Neither here nor there,
lights the way
to eternity.

Why does it always seem that what we want is just out of reach, and when you reach it, it just flits away, away from your fingertips, lingering in the near distance in front of you. The carrot enticing the horse, except this time
the horse knows that it will never get the carrot.

What if the horse stops chasing the carrot?
What if we stop following the light?
What would you do?

Monday, September 18, 2006


Suddenly in a black, black, black mood.

Just almost finished a 500ml bottle of Erdinger. The white one.

Decided that im in an ugly, deformed state of mind. Listening to Evanesence, Linkin park, Hoobastang, Papa Roach. Decide that it fits my frame of mind.

Quiz stress? Maybe. Life stress? Maybe.

Cant be certain. One thing im certain tho. Fridge has food!

o.O Love food! Thanks mommy and daddy!


Thursday, September 14, 2006


Hmm, schedule goes like follows.

Monday Wednesday: Hall dance
Tuesday Friday : Dancesport
Thursday : Salsa

Hmm. Thats 5 days. Oops.

Lucky that salsa hasnt started, and hall dance + dancesport only 1 lesson is compulsory. But guess what? My feet itch... wahhaa!

I swear quizzes are the death of students :p

Monday, September 04, 2006

Heres the Hostel!

Here the post i promised.

Stuck in hostel now, eating pasta+baked beans. (Pasta abit hard, im not the best cook) Mugging aura is SOOO heavy here, just feel like grabbing a book and getting down on it. Gah.

When studies get too tough, heres what we get:

Whats this, you ask?

We had Shari over, she needed to use the comp... Joon was eating froot loops, and i was like, so nice! Lets make one froot loop word using....... FROOTLOOPS!

So Shari did the colour coordination and arrangment, and Voila!

Clearer now? Wahahaha

That was some tasty artpiece :)

Also, inspiration for nanotechnology has help spawned these beautiful creatures :D
Small is beautiful! Wahaha!

Or when you feel itchy fingers. Make tiny birds..

Friday, September 01, 2006

Is Guilt a Vicious cycle?

Guys, need your comments here :)

If someone accuses you of a crime you didnt commit, would you

A) Laugh it off.
B) Deny everything and forget about it.
C) Worry day and night about something which you are "not guilty" of.

And if supposing someone answered C), is he really guilty, in spite of telling himself that he is not? (Guy identity used here, as "he" is easier to type then "she")

A) Yes.
B) No.

Please post your comments and ideas! Thanks people :)
This would help to show reactions of normal people under such circumstances.


School is so NOT funny man...
Will update soonish, after i get back to hall..

JJ party later! Cant wait... ppl! Dance! Whee!!