Sunday, May 28, 2006


Fuck it.
I cant dance.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Inside of my head,

just before the brick wall.

I have a problem.

Its unfixable except by me,
and hell, i dont wanna fix it, i dont think i

have to, either

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Serial Murderer Loose!

I swear, it was seriously scary when i entered the bathroom just now...

The lights were flickering, and i had nowhere else to bathe :p

It was like, something outta a horror flick. Imagine your home on a stormy night... Power is out, and the sky is lit by only the occassional lightning flash...

And BAM! the murderer jumps out at you from the shadows!


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Im leavin' on a jet plane..

Kenna fly aeroplane. Not you, Jwo, you werent supposed to come anyways :p

Down at Union. Alone.
Bah :p

Had a few nice dances,
a coupla Good ones,
a coupla GREat ones(same lady, 1 merengue,1 salsa)

Boy, shes energetic :p
and tall! (Young, take note, shes taller then me :P)
Merengue was fun, she knows how to react!
Salsa also, energy filled...
She was wearing some curious blue thing with a lot a straps

At least not wasted trip to Union :p

However, someone owes me supper now :p


P.S. Did a feat that would make any Platoon Sgt PROUD!
I waterparaded a full 1.5ltr mineral water bottle after union!

Bleh, felt really bloated :p wahha!
Still woke up dehydrated tho.. musta been the chocs :)
*Sighs contentedly at darling Sherv*

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Glances are the heavy
artillery of the flirt:
everything can be conveyed
in a look, yet that look can
always be denied, for it
cannot be quoted word for


For Thought

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Need a vehicle rescue? Call me! And loan me a 27ton Truck with a 20ton Crane and 25ton Winch, plus a few miscellaneous chains and shackles, and i be savin' your vehicle!

Recovery Mechanic- I Rescue Vehicles :p

P.S. If the vehicle you loan me aint the MB2636, i aint gonna budge from my comfy chair at home to haul your a$$.
I dont mind working out at the vehicle, but dont expect me to wear my coveralls. Sure, their more comfy then good ol No.4, but my boots are too huge.
Also, i aint gonna wear No.4, prolly vest slacks.
And i want a good, fitting, snug pair o gloves.

Rence out.

Friday, May 12, 2006


Since you guys know that i only update when drunk, i dont think i need to elaborate on this point. (Other then the fact that im not quite there yet. I havent used the backspace)

Im confused.

Certain issues/people are meant to be a mystery
Others are never meant to be resolved
Yet others are painful to settle

Why do people want to understand the mysteries
Want to resolve the unsolvable
And run away from the painful settlement?

Most importantly, am i the cause?


Im it! Darnit :p

Oh, by the way, this is my 70th Post! Which means for some reason unknown i wanna thank my readers for reading up to this point, cos 69 is a meaningful number to me somehow, i dont know, maybe?

Before i scare the world (more then I have to), i wanna first apologise to the poor people who stepped on glass bits at union. Yes, i knocked that glass over. Some dimwit placed it at the corner of the wooden cabinet near the entrance. At the CORNER. The drink was empty, but at least have the darned courtesy to move it somewhere people wont hit it. Grumble. Poor people had to step on glass bits cos i knocked over a badly misplaced glass. Idiot.

k... Wierd stuff... Doing what i have so ordered to by Sherv darling.. bleh.

1) I sleep with my stuffed toys. They cramp in a corner of my bed, and take up space, and leave less for me, and collect dust, and leave me grumpy in the morning.

2) I update my blog only when im drunk. Which should leave you thinking, what is this guy doing drinking at 12 o'clock in the afternoon of a beautiful public holiday. And think of all the wheat that died to serve me my lunch, in liquid and bottled form. God bless aqua vitae.

3)I anger people. Especially those who (unjustly) call me spongebob. I am a HAMSTER, cant you tell? Yeesh... Jill, im a HAMMSTER, not some weird yellow blob, rrrrrrrrrrright?

4) Im a walking oxoymoron. I walk, i breath oxygen, and im a moron. No, i kid you. Im shy, but im not, Im stupid, but im not. I know my directions, but i dont, i hate the taste of beer, but i inhale it in large quantities. I HATE exercise, but i LOVE the calories lost. Bah.

5) I love animals. They taste good.

6) I check out other people. Their blogs, but i refuse to update mine. What a pig. But piggies are cute! And pink! And cute! And pink! And tasty! And cute! And pink! And have swine flu!

Hmm.... I hope everyone is still here... (gives a weird look as he surveys people fleeing in all directions) I bet people taste good, too :p hmm..

Okies, tagging time...
Young. Blahahaha! You gotta tell us 6 weird things about yourself. Pick the 6 weirdest :p ahhaha