Friday, November 04, 2005

5th November 2005-...Help me...

Im confused, alcoholic, exhausted and depressed...

And im not sure salsa helps anymore, Thursday night wasnt all that good, something just wasnt right...

Emotionally unbalanced now, hope something becomes clear to me soon...

Alcohol craving 24/7.... Gotta try to beat the habit...

Exhausted? Tonight skipping class and sleeping early, hope that helps...

Depressed? Ties with emotionally unbalanced and confused...



Anonymous said...

I think there is always a reason why one feel depressed.Could it be something that happen that nitz?try to think through what has happen that day then.

Most imptly, be truthful to urself..then u will be able to solve the root of the problem.face it..藉酒消愁,愁更愁.

Anonymous said...

well, i think depress is not the way to deal with issues, esp alchol. plse . how old are u??? start drinking at this age is bad for u !!!!! Love is just a passing feeling. put in scienfic way, it is a some form of release of hormance in yr body that will make u feel happy and loved for 2 to 3 years. After that , it is boredom and sickness of each other weakness . so what there to get depress abt !!!!!