Sunday, April 16, 2006

thanks prata shop!

Yesterday at union was ok. Not great, just O-k.
Just no "feel"... Maybe its the lack of hair, lol!(Just got shaved :P)

Went for supper after, musta been really blanked out, cos
when we were paying, i left my damned wallet on the table,
better yet
i only realised after i got home, found my wallet missing, and called Valris...

Borrowed cash from parents, rushed back down to prata shop, thanks to inspiration from Val...
Managed to find the wallet, the great guys at the shop kept it for me... whew... THANKS GUYS!

Special thanks to Val and Eileen, who helped me look around in the cab for the wallet ;)

GRR... i feel stupid....

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Im shagged out, and i still refuse to sleep
its like.
Im chugging alcohol.
Tired, and super sleepy.

But still, i dont wanna lie down.
Its like, something is wrong, and
i know, but dont know.
And its waiting to devour me.


Rence has broken.


Rence has broken.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

arms aching

... today at camp...

So bored, we played a game... Throw plasticine at a squash court line (on the inside), the blob that sticks closest to the line wins. Furthest does pushups.

At first, everyone kena, i estimate i done about 100 pushups total.
Stakes kept going up. Finally, i kena 5 times in a row. 10, 15, 20, then 25,then 60.

Pushups. I did standard ones, as long as i could. Then chest just give way.. Oh my...

Chest said hello to the parquet flooring, too. A very sweaty hello.

Even washing hands my chest too weak to hold hands together. Oh my.... But honestly, i needed the exercise... Got a buff chest now, for sure :)

To add on to the Erdinger Dark... Rich, fragrant, aromatic, deep, flavourful. Tinge of Melancholy. Wonderful drink!

Sunday, April 02, 2006


thats time in minutes:seconds:milliseconds

Thats how long i ran.
Sweat like a dog, after i finished, cooldown that time i was splatting sweat on the pavement. Shirt off, of course... Wah, siong man...

Erdringer. dark. Best beer i had so far. Love the taste! muaha

Weird not dancing on a saturday.. LOL