Saturday, February 25, 2006


Damn. Im in camp, on duty, and STARVED.

Buggers didnt collect rations for us. Dammnit. Do duty for them also got no food to eat. Canteen's closed cos its a saturday. ITS A SATURDAY DUTY DAMMNIT, AND NO FOOD?!

Army is going to hell. Bleh.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

22th Feb 2006- New

Day 2 Of Adam Khoo.... OMG!

I feel InDestructible now.

You guys will now see a new, improved version of Rence... Highlight the below invisible text to see how i will be different.
Less complains. More focus. More Energy. Determined to have fun. Determined that EVERYONE have fun. Drive in Salsa. Drive that leads to improvement, for everyone (I hope). NOTHING WILL EVER GET ME DOWN! I will be as happy as you will ever see me.

Yup. Turning point in my life...


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

21th Feb

Adam Khoo, day 1

I feel inspired already! Its some shit!

Thanks for the smses ladies, made my day, :D

But whats with you missing me?

Saturday, February 18, 2006

18th Feb 2005- Wow, Again

It feels so totalllly good to eb the most drunk gu7 in the group, again...

It makes everyine try to be good to you, while your trying to act sover all the while... And to a certain extent, you are.... Most guys dont see what you do, and its because they think too much during the time when they are not drunbk...

I might not be seeming to ,make much sense, but hey, a guys is a guy, especially ojne who has neem drinking, wih his heart ripped out before, its quite sad, really.

I dont really care anymore, thre are girls out there who raelly desirve love, who really should be loved the way the should be...

Unfortunately, these ladies dont come by easy, and if they do, dont stay long....

GODDAMMIT... i hate drinking.... but its the only damn thing thats keeps me sane... @!%!%

Im drunk, people... sorry... but its what i think at the moment, and itst acurate as long yuo agress.... god... selling errorts to judge how drunk i man... am*, sheesh, haha


Friday, February 03, 2006

About the Previous Post...

I was kidding :p

Too many things, too little time... Could never get around to updating everything i guess...

the past few weeks were crazy...

MSR run training... 8km a day, 3 days a week... god...

Burning out... need shleep.... haha!

3th Feburary 2006- I shall update today!
