Wednesday, November 30, 2005

30th November 2005- Apologies

Im sorry dearie, but what i did i thought was for the best, and that information was not for me to give, im sorry.

Feel really bad for whats happening, hope i can help somehow, though i doubt you would even talk to me again...

30th Novemeber 2005-Armageddon

Why does life as i know it have to end?

Why does everything i used to know have to go to hell?

Whats WRONG with everybody?!

Whats WRONG with LIFE?

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

23rd November 2005-Sweet sorrow

I have fallen for an angel.
Pity that the distance between Heaven and Earth is so great...

Saturday, November 19, 2005

19th November 2005- Oh, the agony...

Day 2 of cold turkey... half way through the day...

This aint easy...

My life sucks right now...

I need a drink... Not gonna get it, but doesnt stop me from wanting one :p

Friday, November 18, 2005

18th November 2005-Breaking the Habit

Im gonna quit Alcholism
She asked me to...
I mean, an oncoming 27ton vehicle couldnt have got me to give up drinking, but i decided that if that 1 person would tell me to stop, i would try my best...
I mean, alot of friends are concerned and all, asking me to ease up and stuff... I appreciate that, but this particular one... i dunno... makes me wanna quit drinking..

Too late to update this morning, got home at 3am :D

Got flamed by parents, too...

But hey, bright side is, im trying to drink less :)

The cold turkey is gonna suck. Big time.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

16th November 2005-

I feel confused... LOL, luckly, i dont think so hard if im drunk...

So now i decided 2 instances that make me happy.
1) A person
2) Alcohol

Since im happy about a person, im unhappy because im happy about that person, and since im unhappy, i drink to get happy again... Its a bloody vicious cycle... Blah

And dont you think the word happy is funny? It looks funny, the letters that spell it, H A P P Y... Even the word sounds wierd... haha

Monday, November 07, 2005

7th November 2005-

Hmm, maybe Thursday's unbalance was because i was an illness waiting to happen, lol... Fell sick over the weekend :o

Friday night started feeling feverish, and Saturday was the bomb! Still went out the whole day though, but didnt stay late at all...

On MC for today and tmr, hope to get some rest...

Crap, last 2 weekends spoilt cos of duty and illness... Grumble... Getting better tho, no longer craving alcohol... But drinking would be a bonus tho :D

To me, that is :p

Friday, November 04, 2005

5th November 2005-...Help me...

Im confused, alcoholic, exhausted and depressed...

And im not sure salsa helps anymore, Thursday night wasnt all that good, something just wasnt right...

Emotionally unbalanced now, hope something becomes clear to me soon...

Alcohol craving 24/7.... Gotta try to beat the habit...

Exhausted? Tonight skipping class and sleeping early, hope that helps...

Depressed? Ties with emotionally unbalanced and confused...
