Sunday, October 30, 2005

30th October 2005-Home

Went for a run, felt good!

Yesterday wake up to Mom asking me if i should take a call, Msg Halim on the line...
Kena stun, he asked if i knew i was duty on Saturday...
I said, noo, my duty is on Sunday...
Then he said, come down, its your duty today, there was a change, how come noone informed you?
I was like, ~!#@~$ okok, i be there soon, i stay far away...

Cursed and swore my way down to Nee Soon camp, DAMN the bloody people who changed my duty, and DAMN the people without the courtesy to inform me... Scared i take MC issit?

End up cannot go for dinner with friends, no salsa... NO SALSA.... @#%@

But on the bright side, i had 2 friends kind enough to entertain me over the phone... Thx guys!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Monday, October 24, 2005

24th October 2005-Terminator

Al "liquid silver" Espinoza, omg...

He did a salsa performance yesterday, was so good! Millenium salsa, hiphop integrated into salsa, the isolation and body movement was godlike..

Was a great nite, but too cramped to dance properly, not bad a place though, the decor almost the same as Embassy, only carpeted, lol!

Wonderful chillout place! Balcony open air, with wooden raised platform and cushions and low tables, so nice to just hang out and look at stars!

So sad that i missed both bachata songs they played that nite :( sob sob

Friday, October 14, 2005

14th October 2005

Wow... Thursday is so fun for salsa! Its like, a lot of friends friends friends, more people to dance with!

Found the one thing in dance thats gets me really hyper and high... the dips! LOL! Know only 1 atm, but when the follow really throws herself into the dip and it goes really low, the feeling is indescribable!


Sunday, October 09, 2005

9th October 2005- Carls Jr!

Went shopping, got a pair of jeans, finally :p now i have 2 wearable pairs! (actually 4, but 2 not very comfortable :p)

Was deciding where to go eat dinner, then Jean suggested Carls Jr... Go until Raffles Place then she say maybe its closed on weekends... Pengz :p

Then finally managed to find the place, order burger and get drinks... Got salsa sauce also, lol!
The burgers were HUGE! The side dishes were, too! Onion rings the size of your face! No la, but almost that big :p

Great burgers, greater place! Definately worth checking out :)

Then we had salsa... Great fun! Experimented alittle and figured out a simple dip! Whee!
Then Shirine sorta challenged me to a flaming lambo :p Wah! Drink already cant spin, keep losing balance... :p

Sorta a bad balance day yesterday, kept stepping on Jean :p SORRY! We counted 4 or 5 i think :p... Try so hard to keep lady safe from others stepping, and end on ownself step on her :p siaoz

Great friends, great music, great dances, yesterday was totally cool!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

8th October 2005

Hmm, just got home from camp. Yesterday unloading for claymore exercise, reported at Seletar at 6 am, then stayed at Changi Naval Base until 2230hrs, drove 1 and a half hrs back to Seletar, and decided to sleep at camp cos a cab will be a bomb :p

Felt crappy, but hey, its an experience. The view off a pier is so nice! Water everywhere, and windy in the evening, beautiful!

Convoy movement also not too bad, fun to play at least once i guess, damn worried i lose the vehicle in front of me, cos i have bad direction sense :p Sure get very badly lost one!

Nevermind, today will be a good day!

Gonna shop for clothes and go salsa, what can possibly go wrong man... Wait, dont tell me, i dont wanna know :)

Friday, October 07, 2005

7th October 2005- Best time of my life


Finally realised what Ben meant when a good dance makes your day.
I had a TON of GREAT dances today!
The ladies were super cool, and had a ton of shines, danced with Fi! wow! Very interesting to watch her do shines!
Cynthia also alot of shines, very interesting to watch her do, also got chance to do body movement with both of these ladies! Fun fun!

It was crazy today, had so much of a good time, hope it only gets better!

Looking forward to Saturday already!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

6th October 2005- Moody?

Life is good, friends are good, salsa is good, work at camp is doable, so,

why do i still feel so crappy?
why do i still feel the need to get hopelessly drunk?

Sunday, October 02, 2005

2nd October 2005-

Its Sunday! Friend just came back from Shanghai, helped me get drink, so happy!

Yesterday was so fun, although danced with 2 ladies only, you know who you are :)

Everything was right, timing, rhythm, feel...

Did training, took smaller steps, as J&J suggested, wasnt as difficult as i thought, haha! The moves i did were simple, but everything came easily!

The bachata and merengue were best :) very very fun, with alot of "feel" to it... Now i know why Jon loves bachata :) and merengue is really nice if you spin fast fast :)

Had supper(Drinks) until late, really late, like this morning 5 am, haha! Talk until blur blur, then very sleepy, too bad friend had to work today :O

But overall,

Also got a set of dance vids from friend, its a competition kind of thing, like "American Idol", but with dance, havent watched yet, but drooling liaoz :o)